2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs Department Information

Vice President of Student Affairs  Ely 208 x5400
Dean of Students  Ely 209 x5421
Associate Dean of Students Ely 209 X5403
Athletics Woodward Center X5405
Career Center Lammers Annex x5206
Commuter Services Ely Lower Level X5403
Counseling Center Lammers Annex x5790
Health Services Scanlon/Annex x5415
New Student and Champion Orientation  Ely Lower Level X5619
Parking  White House X8731
Public Safety/University Police White House x5262
Residential Life Scanlon Garden Level x5402
Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (S.A.I.L) Ely Lower Level X8157
Student Conduct Ely 209 x5403
Student Government Ely Garden Level, room 17 x5429
Wellness Center Ely First Floor Level x5500


Department Mission

Intercollegiate athletics are a vital component of the total educational process.  The responsibility of the athletics department is to provide the opportunity for all student-athletes to succeed both academically and athletically, with the goal of academic success and graduation.  The athletics department strongly encourages participation by maximizing the number and variety of opportunities for students in varsity, intramural, and club sports.  The athletics department is committed to initiating, stimulating, and improving intercollegiate athletics by promoting physical fitness and sports participation.  Leadership development and teaching social responsibility and citizenship are also priorities.  The athletics department is committed to providing the support necessary for its student-athletes to achieve hight levels of performance within the Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletics Conference, the Litte East Conference, the New England Women’s Golf Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. 

NCAA Division III


Westfield State University supports the mission of NCAA Division III to govern in a fair, safe, equitable, and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramuont. 

Athletic Environment

The athletics department is committed to providing a safe, fair, and respectful environment for all participants.  Collegiate athletics provides an opportunity for students to compete with and against others who come from a variety of backgrounds, but all of whom share the common goal of achieving athletics excellence.  Valuing this common ground enhances the social and competitive experience for all and is important to team success and individual development.  The framework for our commitment to diversity sits within our active prohibition of discrimination in our educational policies, employment, campus services and activities on the basis of age, class, creed, disability, educational background, gender expression, gender identity, geographical location, income, marital status, national origin, parental status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, work experiences, and all classifications protected by law.  Westfield State University is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment for students, employees and other members of the University community, which values the diverse backgrounds of all people.  The Universtiy is committed to assuring that the “university experience” is one that challenges, empowers, supports and prepares its students to live in, work in, and value our increasingly global and diverse world. 

The athletics department fosters sportsmanship, positive attitudes, and ethical conduct.  Student-athletes, fans, and staff members are all expected to represent the University in a positive manner.  Westfield State prohibits anti-LGBTQ behavior and language at athletics events and in all athletics facilities, practices, and events.  The athletics department promotes open communication between athletes, coaches, and administrative staff, and supports the tenant that athletic participants are not treated differently from other members of the student body.  The health and welfare of student-athletes is of primary concern. 

The Career Center

The Career Center is dedicated to assisting students and alumni of Westfield State University develop and implement career and graduate school goals. Career planning is a process of continuous individualized development.  To assist students with this planning process, the Career Center, provides a comprehensive array of programs and services designed to support students and alumni in their efforts to achieve their personal, academic and professional goals.  Students and alumni engage in a variety of programs and services including career counseling, career-preparation workshops and seminars, professional networking events, career fairs and on-campus recruitment.

Career Advising

The Career Center includes a staff of advisors available to assist students at all stages of their undergraduate program. Students are encouraged to begin as early as their first year to explore, evaluate and formulate career plans, and seek out opportunities to test career paths. Advising is available for those seeking a job/internship search, professional resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation. On-line resources supplement individual and group advising. Workshops and seminars offered throughout the academic year provide additional guidance.

Career Programs and Services

The Career Center sponsors a wide range of programs and services tailored to meet the varied needs and interests of our students. Many programs are available to students such as the annual “Government, Criminal Justice and Non-Profit Career Fair” featuring federal, state and local organizations open to all academic disciplines; and “industry-specific career fairs that offer internship and career leads in those industries;”  the annual “Job and Internship Fair” providing additional opportunities in multiple fields; “Career Strategies Seminar for Educators” highlighting job search in the field of education; and the “Career Centers of Western Massachusetts Career Fair” offering opportunities in a wide range of fields.  Other programs available are “Career Talks” in the Ely Campus Center, Professional Networking Nights, Law Enforcement Career Preparation Seminar and many more. 

Career Resources - Print and Online

The Career Center offers career-related literature and tools for career exploration. The Career Center Working Lab features test prep books, guides, and other materials relevant to the career development process.  It also provides a computers to access online resources, research career opportunities and to apply for available jobs and internships. 

Online resources include:

Handshake - Enables students and alumni to easily search jobs and internships and manage multiple resumes, cover letters, a career event calendar.

StandOut - Practice your interviewing skills.  The platform simulates interviews for job seekers to practice both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. 

CareerSpots Videos - Fast, informative, engaging web videos that are conveniently available online. These videos provide expert advice from leading employers as well as clearly illustrate what students need to know BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the job interview.

For a complete listing of programs, services and opportunities, visit our webpage at westfield.ma.edu/careercenter or call for an appointment at (413) 572-5206. Questions can also be sent via email at careers@westfield.ma.edu. The Career Center is located in Lammers Hall Annex.

Commuter Services

Did you know that there are approximately 2,000 full-time undergraduate students that commute to Westfield State University?  Commuting students are an integral part of Westfield State University’s student life.  All events, organizations, and clubs are open to commuters.  The Division of Student Affairs strongly encourages these students to actively participate in University activities and to make good use of all the services provided (e.g. Counseling Center, Health Services, etc.).  Should you have any questions related to commuter life on the Westfield State University campus please contact the Associate Dean of Students, Shannon Green at sgreen@westfield.ma.edu or by calling (413) 572-5403. 


Westfield State University wants all of our students to be involved and feel at home on our campus.  All clubs, intramurals, and organizations are open to all students.  Whether you live on campus or commute, you can have an opportunity to get involved.  If you want to connect with other commuter students, join the Commuter Council!  Through the Commuter Council, you will meet other commuter students, plan events on and off campus for commuters, select themes and menus for the free monthly commuter student luncheons on campus, participate in commuter appreciation day, and be the voice of your fellow students. 


A Commuter Liaison is available to provide support to commuter students and to help them navigate College life.  The Commuter Liaison advises the Commuter Council, which facilitates connections between commuters and gives commuter students a forum through which to express their concerns.  To communicate directly with the Advisor of the Commuter Council, contact the Associate Dean of Students, Shannon Green by email at sgreen@westfield.ma.edu with the subject line “Commuters” or by calling (413) 572-5403.


The Commuter Council serves as the organization that recruits Commuter representatives to serve on the Student Government Association (SGA).  Four Commuter Representative seats are available on SGA for commuters, (approximately one representative per 500 commuter students.)  If you are interested in serving on the Student Government Association contact Barbara Hand at bhand@westfield.ma.edu, or call the SGA Office, 413 572 5439.

The Counseling Center

The Counseling Center, located next to the Career Services Office in Lammers Hall, exists to serve students by offering short-term personal counseling and consultation. Counselors offer individual, group, and couple counseling, and also are available to provide consultation and referral services to any member of the Westfield State University community. The Counseling Center focuses on personal growth and the development of effective life management and problem solving skills. The Counseling Center staff is knowledgeable about the various student support services offered on campus, and often refers students to offices that may be able to address their needs. If students require more comprehensive psychological services, counselors will assist students in finding an appropriate referral in the greater Westfield area or in their home communities. All counseling is strictly confidential except in cases of life-or-death emergencies, or by court order. Information about student clients can be released only with the written consent of the student.

The Counseling Center also provides the contracted services of a nutritionist who is available to any member of the University community. Appointments are made through the Counseling Center’s secretary, and individuals seeking the nutritionist’s services do not have to be clients of the Counseling Center.

Outreach is an important component of what we do.  Relaxation Coaching is a one on one outreach activity designed to teach participants anxiety reduction skills.  Although it is not counseling, you can sign up for Relaxation Coaching sessions just like a counseling appointment by calling or emailing the Counseling Center.  The Counseling Center has many other outreach activites too.  Follow us on Instagram to learn more @ReachoutWSU

The Counseling Center website, westfield.ma.edu/counseling, has a list of resources on various topics related to life management and psychological health. 

For additional information, please contact the Counseling Center office, located in the Lammers Hall Annex, at (413) 572-5790 or at counseling@westfield.ma.edu .

Health Services

The Health Services Department is available without cost to all full time undergraduate students regardless of personal health insurance coverage. Patients with medical emergencies are transported to Baystate Noble Hospital by City ambulance or the University’s Department of Public Safety. The Department is staffed by an Administrative Assistant, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and a consulting Physician, who works part-time during the academic year. Health Services meets the immediate health needs of students and provides follow-up treatment and other health related services inclusive of women’s health care during the academic year.

Allergy immunotherapy is not offered by the Department due to guidelines imposed by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunotherapy. Allergy and Immunology Associates of New England (AIANE) can be referred to for allergy immunotherapy in Westfield at telephone (413) 562-2052 (check insurance for coverage benefits).  See AIANE’s website www.allergyimmunologydocs.com for more information.  Also prescriptive medications for students with ADHD must be managed by their own clinical provider, primary care physician. 

The Department of Health Services requires Medical Health Forms to comply with University Policy and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health mandates on immunizations.

Information about the University Health Insurance is distributed with tuition bills and information about the University Student Health Insurance can also be obtained from the website http://www.universityhealthplans.com and westfield.ma.edu/healthservices.

All medical information is confidential and defined as protected health information under federal regulations and cannot be released without written permission from the student.

The University’s Notice of Privacy Practices can be located at www.westfield.ma.edu/privacy-practices. Medical information can be released by Court order but the Office of the Registrar attempts to notify the student of court requests.

Medical Forms And Immunizations

In order to register for classes at Westfield State University, every full-time student must present to the Department of Health Services completed Westfield State University Health Forms, which include a clinician’s certificate of a physical examination and immunizations, a TB Risk Assessment Form and a Meningitis Information and Waiver Form.  Health forms can be printed from the Department’s website at http://www.westfield.ma.edu/healthservices. The Department of Health Services requires Medical Health Forms to comply with University Policy and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s mandates on immunizations. Students may be registered for classes on the condition that the required immunizations be obtained within thirty days of registration (see 105 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 220.600 and Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 76, section 15c). Students, who fail to submit the required Health Forms can be administratively withdrawn. A reinstatement fee will be charged after receipt of the required forms.

The Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center

The mission of the Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center is to support religious and spiritual life and to promote interfaith understanding at Westfield State University. During the academic year, Center staff members provide and support opportunities for worship, meditation, spiritual exploration, religious learning, celebration, fellowship and service. In support of the University’s mission to prepare students for life in the global community, the Center seeks to promote respect for and understanding of diverse religious traditions and to help students relate their moral and religious traditions to their personal choices and service to society.

Chaplains and Religious Services

Father Warren Savage, Catholic Chaplain
Mass is offered at 11:00am every Sunday morning.  Father Savage is available for counseling by appointment. 

Catholic Deacon Roger Carrier

Catholic Deacon James Conroy

Catholic Deacon Michael Perkins
Reverend Rosemary Dawson, Protestant Chaplain
Sunday services are held at 10:00am at the UCC Second Congregational Church located at 487 Western Avenue, adjacent to the University’s commuter parking lot.  Reverend Dawson is available for counseling by appointment. 
Rabbi Efraim Eisen, Jewish Chaplain
Services are held on the High Holy Days and approximately twice a month for the Jewish Sabbath and for other Jewish holidays. Services are held jointly with Congregation Ahavas Achim of Westfield at the Interfaith Center on campus.  Rabbi Eisen is available for counseling by appointment. 
Imam Rasul Seifullah, Muslim Chaplain
Imam Seifulla is available for counsleing by appointment. 
Pastor Bruce Arbor, Methodist Chaplain
Pastor Arbour is available for counseling by appointment. 

Interfaith Programming and Student Activities

The Westfield State University Foundation, Inc. supports the University’s Interfaith Programming Committee (IPC) for the purpose of offering additional religious, spiritual and interfaith programs on campus.

The IPC also welcomes new student members.  If interested, contact Father Savage at wsavage@westfield.ma.edu.

Interfaith Center Facilities

The Center’s main worship area seats about 90 and authorized groups using the Center are responsible for bringing and removing any symbols or artifacts particular to their faiths. The Center’s chapel features a magnificent pipe organ with two manuals, a pedalboard and three and one-half ranks of pipes. The organ may be played by bona fide musicians familiar with such instruments including students from the University’s Music Department. On the lower level of the Center there are offices for College Chaplains and a lounge for meetings or gatherings. Student members of all faiths are invited to use the Interfaith Center by request through the Chaplains or through the advisers of religious student organizations. 

Parking Information and Privileges

All cars parked on campus must be registered and display a valid parking decal. Commuting students are allowed to purchase one (1) decal that allows parking in the Commuter Lots/spaces. When the lots are full, commuters are expected to park in the South Lot.

Resident students will be allowed to purchase one (1) decal and must park in the South parking lot. First-year students will not be permitted to have vehicles on campus unless special approval is given by the parking clerk.  

All students are required to park at all times in the lot designated by their parking decal. Parking elsewhere on campus is not allowed, and is subject to ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s expense.  Students are responsible for knowing the parking rules and regulations upon becoming members of the University. 

If you have any questions regarding parking, please email parking@westfield.ma.edu or call 413-572-8731.

Public Safety/University Police

The Department of Public Safety/University Police is responsible for the enforcement of the Massachusetts General Laws and for protecting life and property on campus. The Department is charged with the responsibility of protecting the right of all members of the academic community to learn, to teach and to conduct the normal and necessary business of the institution.

Among the services provided by the Department of Public Safety/University Police are: the investigation of crimes and motor vehicle accidents on campus, the enforcement of University parking regulations, the enforcement of all university rules and regulations, the operation of the shuttle service, and the operation of a lost and found. University Police officers are also available to present programs to educate students on such issues as sexual assault awareness, crime prevention, alcohol and drug awareness, imminent threat seminars, and the Cleary Act/Campus Security Authorities.  R.A.D. classes are also offered by the Department of Public Safety/University Police. 

Institutional Security Officers (ISO’s)

Members of the University Police are responsible for the training and supervision of the Institutional Security Officers (ISO’s) who are assigned to campus foot patrol and to maintain the security of the campus residential buildings. 

Student Safety Assistants

The Department of Public Safety employs and directs 12-15 Student Safety Assistants made up of full-time students from the University.  Student Safety Assistants are used as observers, shuttle drivers, safety escorts, event security, and parking attendants at sporting events and are utilized to assit the University Police. 

Annual Security Report 

Westfield State University’s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by Westfield State University; and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drugs, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault and other matters. Copies of this report are available from the Westfield State University Department of Public Safety, and through the University website at: westfield.ma.edu/safety.

Student Safety Assistants 

The Department of Public Safety employs and directs 25-30 Student Safety Assistants made up of full-time students from the University.  Student Safety Assistants are used as observers, shuttle drivers, safety escorts, P/T dispatchers, event security, parkers at sporting events and utilized to assist the University police.

The Public Safety Office, located in the White House on Western Avenue, is open daily with general business hours from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and offers twenty-four hour police and dispatcher coverage and response. Additional information is available at (413) 572-5262. For emergencies call 911.

Residential Engagement

The area of Residential Life is comprised of the Department of Housing Operations and the Department of Residential Engagement.  Together we work to create a comprehensive living experience for all residential students.  We provide a variety of secure, well maintained facilities accommodating various styles of living arrangements.  Each hall is staffed by a professional Residence Director or Area Coordinator, student Resident Assistants and maintenance staff who provide support to students through one-on one conversations, planned events, and incident response.  An elected Residence Hall Association and Hall Councils, as applicable, provide additional leadership opportunities, programming and services for all resident students.

Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (S.A.I.L.)

The Office of Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (SAIL) is comprised of three main areas which include leadership development programs for all students, social events for students, and New Student Orientation.  While each has their own focus, the three areas work cohesively to create a fun, engaging, resourceful, and positive environment for students outside of the classroom.  The office strives to promote programs and workshops based on inclusiveness, leadership, and innovation.  We work to create a welcoming environment that celebrates individuality; a place open to creativity and forward thinking, even as we continue to honor the traditions of the past.  Find us on Social Media and stay in tune to all that is happening on your campus. 

As part of the office, the New Student Orientation program introduces incoming students to the WSU community.  The primary program includes summer orientation sessions for all first-year students, as well as for Champions (parents, family members, and allies), in June that run for a day and a half.  Separate programs are held in August and January for transfer students and their needs.  An overview of the program can be found through the University web page by searching “New Student Orientation”.  For additional information, contact our staff at (413) 572-5619. 

Student Conduct

Student Handbook - Regulations and Procedures

In the interest of maintaining order on the campus and guaranteeing the broadest range of freedom to each member of the community, some regulations have been developed by students, faculty, and staff acting in concert. These regulations reasonably limit some activities and also proscribe certain behaviors which are harmful to the orderly operations of the University and the pursuit of its legitimate goals. Violations of these regulations will be handled by the University student conduct procedure, which is established to resolve complaints of nonacademic student misconduct. The student conduct procedure is designed to protect due process rights and reach decisions that are in the best interest of both the student and the University. Students charged with misconduct are afforded the right to a written notice of charges, the right to a fair and impartial hearing, and the right of appeal.

Student Conduct Regulations and Student Conduct Procedures may be found in the Westfield State University Student Handbook available online in the University Catalog.

Student Conduct Board 

The Student Conduct Board is an independent board seprate from other University organizations and committees at Westfield State University.  It is responsible for reviewing potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct and educating the University student population regarding the regulations, policies, and procedures within.  Board members serve as hearing officers for cases heard through the Student Conduct System. 

Serving on the board is more than just a resume builder!  Service on the board is a challenging and statisfying way for students to enhance their academic experiences.  Board members gain valuable critical thinking, communication, and time management skills that will make them more competitive when applying for a job or graduate school.  Interested students can pick up applications in our Student Goverment Association, Ely Campus Center, room 17 beginning on Monday August 30, 2021.